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首页 > 动漫大全 > 伦理片 > 吸血裸女


  • 别名: 
  • 年代:1999年 
  • 演员:
  • 导演: 地区:美国 

影片简介:主演: Madison·Clark Angelina·High Kevin·Spirtas 吸血鬼盖伦 [凯文 Spirtas] 和米兰达 [安吉丽娜高] 刚搬到洛杉矶。盖伦想要放低姿态,进入他的血从附近的 bloodbank 虽然米兰也很喜欢她清新,年轻,又有男子气概。当盖伦注意舞者詹妮弗 [麦迪逊克拉克] 手淫在她工作室的地板,他坠入爱河并列出去追求她。米兰达变得嫉妒和引诱詹妮弗,太,虽然詹妮弗的缔约方会议男友瑞恩 [布拉德 · 巴特拉姆] 感觉她变得太友好的盖伦和米兰达。与此同时,瑞恩和侦探特纳 [悬崖 Potts] 有忙的不可开交,试图找出为什么血的尸体保持转动带有两个穿刺伤口在脖子上。詹妮弗击中一辆车,然后盖伦"节省"她,使她的吸血鬼。当瑞恩看到轴承盖伦绘图通缉的海报时,他抓住了股份,奔涌在到盖伦的公寓,才发现詹妮弗蹲在角落里哭泣。瑞恩没有使用詹妮弗股份吗?你将不得不等待拥抱黑暗 2 找出。Vampires Galen [Kevin Spirtas] and Miranda [Angelina High] have just moved to Los Angeles. Galen wants to lay low and get his blood from a nearby bloodbank while Miranda likes hers fresh, young, and virile. When Galen notices dancer Jennifer [Madison Clark] masturbating on her studio floor, he falls in love and sets out to pursue her. Miranda becomes jealous and seduces Jennifer, too, while Jennifer's cop boyfriend Ryan [Brad Bartram] senses that she is becoming too friendly with Galen and Miranda. Meanwhile, Ryan and Detective Turner [Cliff Potts] have their hands full trying to figure out why bloodless bodies keep turning up with two puncture wounds on the neck. Then Jennifer is hit by a car, and Galen "saves" her by making her a vampire. When Ryan sees a wanted poster bearing a drawing of Galen, he grabs a stake and rushes over to Galen's apartment, only to find Jennifer squating in a corner and crying. Does Ryan use that stake on Jennifer? You'll have to wait for Embrace the Darkness 2 to find out.电影介绍《Embrace the Darkness》(拥抱黑暗)是由导演Kelley Cauthen执导的电影。爱与欲望,永恒的话题通过独特的视角、唯美的画面与另类的手法展现,让你开开眼。角色介绍


